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Emission of Alkali Halide Cluster Ions from the Charged Droplets Generated from Electrospray Ionization

Seongjae Jang, Minsu Kim, Yoonjin Kim, Junyoung Ahn, Jongcheol Seo*

February 2025│Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry

Super-photostable organic dye for long-term live-cell single-protein imaging

Do-Hyeon Kim, Hong Minh Triet, Sun Hyeok Lee, Sina Jazani, Seongjae Jang, Syed Ali Abbas Abedi, Xiaogang Liu, Jongcheol Seo, Taekjip Ha, Young-Tae Chang & Sung Ho Ryu 

January 2025│Nature Methods

Infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of protonated amino acid clusters with non-interacting side chains in the gas phase

Jongcheol Seo*, Doui Kim, Sandy Gewinner, Wieland Schöllkopf, Michael T. Bowers, Kevin Pagel, Gert von Helden*

January 2025│International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

Solid-state self carbo-passivation for refurbishing colloidal dispersity of catalytic silica nanoreactors

Jeong Hun Choi‡, Nitee Kumari‡, Anubhab Acharya, Amit Kumar, Sanghwang Park, Dongyeon Ro, Jongcheol Seo, Eunhye Lee, Jee Hwan Bae, Dong Won Chun, Kyungtaek Oh, Sunmin Ryu and In Su Lee

January 2025│Materials Horizaons (Communication)

Lithiation-driven cascade dissolution coprecipitation of sulfide superionic conductors

Mukarram Ali, Seunggu Kim, Seungha Kim, Seongyeon Kwon, Yunseop Choi, You-Jin Lee, Jun-Woo Park, Jeong-Hee Choi, Changhyeon Kim, Jongcheol Seo, Hye Ryung Byon*, Yoon-Cheol Ha* 

January 2025│Energy Storage Materials

The use of carbodicarbene for bio-based polyester synthesis via ring-opening copolymerization of cyclic anhydrides and epoxides

Seung Yeon Jeong, Minseop Kim, Kunou Kim, Hyunseok Kim, Yoonjin Kim, Jongcheol Seo, Eunsung Lee*, Kyung-sun Son*

September 2024│European Polymer Journal

Synthesis of sterically congested unsymmetrical 1,2-dicarbonyl radicals through a stepwise approach

Yuna Song‡, Hayoung Song‡, Yunseop Choi, Jongcheol Seo* and Eunsung Lee*

July 2024│ChemComm (Communication)

Isomerism of Cyclodextrin Tetramer Induced by Alkali Halide Cluster Ions Observed by Ion Mobility Spectrometry–Mass Spectrometry

Jiyeon Lee, Yunyoung Ahn, Minsu Kim, Jongcheol Seo*

February 2024│Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry



Distinguishing Protein Chemical Topologies Using Supercharging Ion Mobility Spectrometry-Mass Spectrometry

Jiyeon Lee, Dahye Im, Yajie Liu, Jing Fang, Xibao Tian, Minsu Kim, Prof. Wen-Bin Zhang*, Prof. Jongcheol Seo*

December 2023│Angewandte Chemie International Edition  

Protomer of Imipramine Captured in Cucurbit[7]uril

Jiyeon Lee, Hyerim Kim, Hochan Lee, Deepak R. Boraste, Kimoon Kim, Jongcheol Seo*

December 2023│The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

A single-domain protein catenane of dihydrofolate reductase

Jing Fang, Tianzuo Li, Jiyeon Lee, Dahye Im, Lianjie Xu, Yajie Liu, Jongcheol Seo, Wen-Bin Zhang*

November 2023│National Science Review

Design and Synthesis of CdHgSe/HgS/CdZnS Core/Multi-Shell Quantum Dots Exhibiting High-Quantum-Yield Tissue-Penetrating Shortwave Infrared Luminescence

Gyudong Lee, Woo Hyeon Jeong, Beomjoo Kim, Sungwoong Jeon, Andrew M. Smith, Jongcheol Seo, Kengo Suzuki, Jin-young Kim, Hyunki Lee, Hongsoo Choi, Dae Sung Chung, Jongmin Choi*, Hyosung Choi*, Sung Jun Lim*

September 2023│Small

Controlling π–π Interactions of Highly Soluble Naphthalene Diimide Derivatives for Neutral pH Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries

Vikram Singh, Seongyeon Kwon, Yunseop Choi, Seongmo Ahn, Gyumin Kang, Yelim Yi, Mi Hee Lim, Jongcheol Seo*, Mu-Hyun Baik*, Hye Ryung Byon*

February 2023│Advanced Materials


Trapping Alkali Halide Cluster Ions Inside the Cucurbit[7]uril Cavity

Jiyeon Lee‡, Seongjae Jang‡, Minsu Kim, Deepak R. Boraste, Kimoon Kim, Kyeng Min Park, Jongcheol Seo*

October 2022│The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Cobalt-Catalyzed Formation of Grignard Reagents via C–O or C–S Bond Activation

Ewa Pietrasiak, Seongmin Ha, Seungwon Jeon, Jongheon Jeong, Jiyeon Lee, Jongcheol Seo*, Eunsung Lee*

June 2022│The Journal of Organic Chemistry

Cellular synthesis of protein pretzelanes

Xilin Bai, Yajie Liu, Jiyeon Lee, Jing Fang, Wen-Hao Wu, Jongcheol Seo, Wen-Bin Zhang*

June 2022│Giant

Metabolite trafficking enables membrane-impermeable-terpene secretion by yeast

So-Hee Son, Jae-Eung Kim, Gyuri Park, Young-Joon Ko, Bong Hyun Sung, Jongcheol Seo, Seung Soo Oh* & Ju Young Lee* 

May 2022│Nature Communications


Li+ and Li+I−Li+ ions Solvated by 1,4-dioxane: An ion Mobility Spectrometry-MassSpectrometry Study

Yunseop Choi, Inyong Ji, and Jongcheol Seo*

December 2021│Mass Spectrometry Letters

Visualization of lipophagy using a supramolecular FRET pair

October 2021│ChemComm (Communication)

Ara Lee, Meng Li, Young Ho Ko, Sanghwang Park, Jongcheol Seo, Kyeng Min Park* and Kimoon Kim*

Nickelocene as an Air- and Moisture-Tolerant Precatalyst in the Regioselective Synthesis of Multisubstituted Pyridines

Il Young Cho, Woo Gyum Kim,Ji Hwan Jeon, Jeong Woo Lee, Jeong Kon Seo, Jongcheol Seo*, Sung You Hong*

June 2021│The Journal of Organic Chemistry

Advances in Ion Mobility Spectrometry-Mass Spectrometry (IMS-MS)-BasedTechniques for Elucidating Higher-Order Protein Structu

Jongcheol Seo*

November 2020│Mass Spectrometry Letters

Lasso Proteins: Modular Design, Cellular Synthesis, and Topological Transformation

October 2020│Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Yajie Liu, Wen-Hao Wu, Sumin Hong, Jing Fang, Fan Zhang, Prof. Geng-Xin Liu, Prof. Jongcheol Seo*, Prof. Wen-Bin Zhang*

Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Poly-Pseudorotaxanes into Artificial Microtubules

Wooseup Hwang, Dr. Jejoong Yoo, Dr. In-Chul Hwang, Jiyeon Lee, Dr. Young Ho Ko, Dr. Hyun Woo Kim, Younghoon Kim, Yeonsang Lee, Dr. Moon Young Hur, Dr. Kyeng Min Park, Prof. Dr. Jongcheol Seo, Dr. Kangkyun Baek*, Prof. Dr. Kimoon Kim*

February 2020│Angewandte Chemie International Edition



Superacid-Mediated Functionalization of Hydroxylated Cucurbit[n]urils

Suman Kr Ghosh, Avinash Dhamija, Young Ho Ko, Jaeyeon An, Moon Young Hur, Deepak Ramdas Boraste, Jongcheol Seo, Eunsung Lee*, Kyeng Min Park*, Kimoon Kim*

October 2019│Journal of the American Chemical Society

CdHgSe/HgS/CdZnS colloidal quantum wells: Bright short-wave infrared nanoemitter 

August 2019│Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society

Gyudong Lee, Woohyeon Jeong, Jongcheol Seo, Daesung Chung, Hyosung Choi, Hong-kun Lyu, Sung Jun Lim

Annulative π-Extension of Unactivated Benzene Derivatives through Nondirected C–H Arylation

Jae Bin Lee, Min Ho Jeon, Jeong Kon Seo, Gert von Helden, Jan-Uwe Rohde, Bum Suk Zhao*, Jongcheol Seo*, Sung You Hong*

August 2019│Organic Letters

An Intrinsic Hydrophobicity Scale for Amino Acids and Its Application to Fluorinated Compounds

Dr. Waldemar Hoffmann*, Jennifer Langenhan, Dr. Susanne Huhmann, Dr. Johann Moschner, Rayoon Chang, Matteo Accorsi, Prof. Dr. Jongcheol Seo, Prof. Dr. Jörg Rademann, Prof. Dr. Gerard Meijer, Prof. Dr. Beate Koksch, Prof. Dr. Michael T. Bowers, Prof. Dr. Gert von Helden, Prof. Dr. Kevin Pagel*

June 2019│Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Chapter Seven - IM-MS for Supramolecular Systems: Structures and Dynamics of Noncovalent Complexes From Solution to Gas Phase

January 2019│Comprehensive Analytical Chemsitry

Tae Su Choi *, Jongcheol Seo, Hugh I. Kim *

Effects of intramolecular hydrogen bonds on the collision-induced dissociation of tryptic peptide ions

Jongcheol Seo, Hye-Joo Yoon, Seung Koo Shin*

January 2019│International Journal of Mass Spectrometry


Structural Characterization of Molybdenum Oxide Nanoclusters Using Ion Mobility Spectrometry–Mass Spectrometry and Infrared Action Spectroscopy

Mateusz Marianski‡, Jongcheol Seo‡, Eike MuchaDaniel A. Thomas, Sabrina Jung, Robert Schlögl, Gerard Meijer, Annette Trunschke*, Gert von Helden*

September 2018│The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Side-chain effects on the structures of protonated amino acid dimers: A gas-phase infrared spectroscopy study

June 2018│International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

Jongcheol Seo, Waldemar Hoffmann, Sebastian Malerz, Stephan Warnke, Michael T. Bowers, Kevin Pagel, Gert von Helden*

The Structure of the Protonated Serine Octamer

Valeriu Scutelnic, Marta A. S. Perez, Mateusz Marianski, Stephan Warnke, Aurelien Gregor, Ursula Rothlisberger, Ursula Rothlisberger, Michael T. Bowers, Carsten Baldauf, Gert von Helden, Thomas R. Rizzo, Jongcheol Seo*

April 2018│Journal of the American Chemical Society   *Featured in C&EN News, volume 96, issue 19 : "Serine octamer reveals its structure"

The impact of environment and resonance effects on the site of protonation of aminobenzoic acid derivatives

Jongcheol Seo‡, Stephan Warnke‡, Sandy Gewinner, Wieland Schöllkopf, Michael T. Bowers, Kevin Pagel* and Gert von Helden*

August 2016│Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics


Infrared spectrum and structure of the homochiral serine octamer–dichloride complex

Jongcheol Seo*, Stephan Warnke, Kevin Pagel, Michael T. Bowers & Gert von Helden* 

July 2017│Nature Chemistry

Precursor Analysis in Catalyst Synthesis By Ion-Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Optical Spectroscopy

June 2017│25th North American Catalysis Society Meeting

Sabrina Jung, Jongcheol Seo, Mateusz Marianski, Gert von Helden, Annette Trunschke, Robert Schlögl*

Label-free measurement of the yeast short chain TAG lipase activity by ESI-MS after one-step esterification

Hye Jin Ham‡, Jongcheol Seo‡, Hye-Joo Yoon*, Seung Koo Shin*

March 2017│Journal of Lipid Research

From Compact to String—The Role of Secondary and Tertiary Structure in Charge-Induced Unzipping of Gas-Phase Proteins

Stephan Warnke, Waldemar Hoffmann, Jongcheol Seo, Erwin De Genst, Gert von Helden, Kevin Pagel*

December 2016│Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry

Stacking Geometries of Early Protoporphyrin IX Aggregates Revealed by Gas-Phase Infrared Spectroscopy

November 2016│Journal of the American Chemical Society

Jongcheol Seo, Jinhyeong Jang, Stephan Warnke, Sandy Gewinner, Wieland Schöllkopf, Gert von Helden*

Retention of Native Protein Structures in the Absence of Solvent: A Coupled Ion Mobility and Spectroscopic Study

Dr. Jongcheol Seo, Waldemar Hoffmann, Dr. Stephan Warnke, Prof. Dr. Michael T. Bowers, Prof. Dr. Kevin Pagel, Dr. Gert von Helden*

November 2016│Angewandte Chemie International Edition   *VIP Article, featured in back cover

An infrared spectroscopy approach to follow β-sheet formation in peptide amyloid assemblies

Jongcheol Seo†, Waldemar Hoffmann†, Stephan Warnke, Xing Huang, Sandy Gewinner, Wieland Schöllkopf, Michael T. Bowers, Gert von Helden* and Kevin Pagel*

September 2016│Nature Chemistry

Conformational Shift of a β-Hairpin Peptide upon Complex Formation with an Oligo–proline Peptide Studied by Mass Spectrometry

August 2016│ChemistrySelect

Dr. Knut Kölbel*, Dr. Stephan Warnke, Dr. Jongcheol Seo, Dr. Gert von Helden, Dr. Rocco Moretti, Prof. Dr. Jens Meiler, Prof. Dr. Kevin Pagel, Prof. Dr. Andrea Sinz

Assessing the stability of alanine-based helices by conformer-selective IR spectroscopy

July 2016│Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Waldemar Hoffmann, Mateusz Marianski, Stephan Warnke, Jongcheol Seo, Carsten Baldauf, Gert von Helden and Kevin Pagel*

Protomers of Benzocaine: Solvent and Permittivity Dependence

Stephan Warnke, Jongcheol Seo, Jasper Boschmans, Frank Sobott, James H. Scrivens, Christian Bleiholder, Michael T. Bowers, Sandy Gewinner, Wieland Schöllkopf, Kevin Pagel*, Gert von Helden*

March 2015│Journal of the American Chemical Society

Multi-functional MBIT for peptide tandem mass spectrometry

March 2015│Mass Spectrometry Reviews

Mass- and property-tuned variable mass labeling reagents and analytical methods for simultaneous peptide sequencing and multiplexed protein quantification using thereof

February 2015│US patent

Seung Koo Shin, Jongcheol Seo, Min-Soo Suh, Hye-Joo Yoon

Labeling agent and methods for simultaneous sequencing and quantification of multiple peptides and proteins using the same

Seung Koo Shin, Hye Joo Yoon, Yong Sik Jung, Hee Yoon Lee, Min Soo Suh, Jong Cheol Seo

August 2014│US patent

Energy- and Time-Dependent Branching to Competing Paths in Coupled Unimolecular Dissociations of Chlorotoluene Radical Cations

Jongcheol Seo, Seung Joon Kim, Seung Koo Shin*

March 2014│Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society

Coupled Unimolecular Dissociation Kinetics of Bromotoluene Radical Cations

August 2013│The Journal of Physical Chemsitry A

Jongcheol Seo, Seung-Joon Kim, Seung Koo Shin*

Host–Guest Chemistry from Solution to the Gas Phase: An Essential Role of Direct Interaction with Water for High-Affinity Binding of Cucurbit[n]urils

June 2013│The Journal of Physical Chemsitry B

Shin Jung C. Lee, Jong Wha Lee, Hong Hee Lee, Jongcheol Seo, Dong Hun Noh, Young Ho Ko, Kimoon Kim, Hugh I. Kim*

Specific and nonspecific bindings of alkaline-earth metal ions to guanine-quadruplex thrombin-binding aptamer DNA

December 2012│International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

Jongcheol Seo, Eun Sun Hong, Hye-Joo Yoon, Seung Koo Shin

N-Acylated Dipeptide Tags Enable Precise Measurement of Ion Temperature in Peptide Fragmentation

Jongcheol Seo, Min-Soo Suh, Hye-Joo Yoon, Seung Koo Shin*

November 2012│The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Anisotropic Etching of Semiconductor Nanocrystals

October 2011│Chemistry of Materials

Sung Jun Lim, Wonjung Kim, Sunghan Jung, Jongcheol Seo, Seung Koo Shin*

Quantification of Tryptic Peptides in Quadrupole Ion Trap Using High-Mass Signals Derived from Isotope-Coded N-Acetyl Dipeptide Tags

Jongcheol Seo, Hye-Joo Yoon, Seung Koo Shin*

July 2011│Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry

Aliphatic dipeptide tags for multi-2-plex protein quantification

Min-Soo Suh , Jongcheol Seo , T. D. Thangadurai , Young Ho Rhee , Seung Koo Shin * and Hye-Joo Yoon *

March 2011│Analyst

Noncovalent Binding between Fullerenes and Protonated Porphyrins in the Gas Phase

Sunghan Jung, Jongcheol Seo, Seung Koo Shin*

October 2010│The Journal of Physical Chemsitry A

July 2010│Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Shell and ligand-dependent blinking of CdSe-based core/shell nanocrystals

Bonghwan Chon, Sung Jun Lim, Wonjung Kim, Jongcheol Seo, Hyeonggon Kang, Taiha Joo, Jeeseong Hwang and Seung Koo Shin*

Method of de novo sequencing of peptide using the MALDI mass spectrometry, method and apparatus for preparing sample for MALDI mass spectrometry

May 2010│US patent

Seung-Koo Shin, Kyung-Hwan Jeong, Hye-Joo Yoon, Min-Soo Suh, Jong-Cheol Seo

Focused Electrospray Deposition for Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Kyung Hwan Jeong, Jongcheol Seo, Hye-Joo Yoon, and Seung Koo Shin*

May 2010│Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society

Rules and trends of metal cation driven hydride-transfer mechanisms in metal amidoboranes

Dong Young Kim , Han Myoung Lee , Jongcheol Seo , Seung Koo Shin and Kwang S. Kim *

April 2010│Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Collisional activation of ions by off-resonance irradiation in ion cyclotron resonance spectrometry

Seung Koo Shin*, Seung-Jin Han, Jongcheol Seo

June 2009│International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

Mass-Balanced 1H/2H Isotope Dipeptide Tag for Simultaneous Protein Quantitation and Identification

July 2008│Analytical Chemistry

Jongcheol Seo, Min-Soo Suh, T. Daniel Thangadurai, Jinhee Kim, Young Ho Rhee, Hye-Joo Yoon*, Seung Koo Shin*

The Kinetics of Competing Multiple-Barrier Unimolecular Dissociations of o-, m-, and p-Chlorotoluene Radical Cations

July 2008│The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Jongcheol Seo, Hyun-Il Seo, Seung-Joon Kim, Seung Koo Shin*

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